If you regularly like to take part in the martial art of taekwondo, perfecting the art of kicking and punching, then you will probably take a big interest in getting your outfit correct. A taekwondo outfit is traditionally known as a “dobok”, which is usually white.
A key piece of it is the belt that goes around the martial artist’s stomach. But how should you tie this taekwondo belt properly? And why does it matter that you try to?
Well, we’ve got the answers for you! In the useful guide below, you’ll find a detailed guide on two methods that you can use to tie a taekwondo belt neatly around your dobok.
On top of that, you’ll also find out all about taekwondo belts and their meaning, helping you to understand the importance of tying yours correctly. Read on!
What Is A Taekwondo Belt?
As you know by now, the dobok is the name for a taekwondo uniform, and the inclusion of a belt is an important part of that uniform. Each belt comes in a different color, which all contrast well against the (usual) whiteness of the dobok.
However, each of these colors actually carries significance, with each variety representing a certain rank and skill set for the wearer.
A white belt is the beginner color for taekwondo belts. As the martial artist gets better, they move onto a white belt with a yellow stripe. Each of these levels is known as a “Kup”, and it begins with the 10th Kup and goes down to 1st Kup.
Next comes a yellow belt, before yellow with green stripes. After those is a green belt, the 6th Kup, which can then be advanced to a green belt with a blue stripe.
After that, a martial artist can earn a fully blue belt, before a blue belt with a red stripe. Next comes a fully red belt, before the 1st Kup – a red belt with a black stripe.
As you probably noticed, the stripe that comes with some Kups is an indication of what the next full belt color will be. Since the top Kup had a black stripe, you’ll be wondering when the black belts come.
Well, a black belt is what a senior wears. While the previous ones were worn by Junior level, the Senior and Instructor levels see 5 ranks of “Dan”.
Each Dan is a black belt, but the belt has one yellow stripe for every extra level. Therefore, the top level, known as the “5th Dan Master”, is a black belt with five yellow stripes on it.
Why Does A Taekwondo Belt Matter?
You may be wondering what the importance is of tying your taekwondo belt, but it’s all to do with what we just spoke about: level.
If you’re going to put the time into rising through the ranks of Kup, and maybe even Dan, then you’ll want to display your hard work (shown by the belt color) with pride – having it tied properly.
How To Tie A Taekwondo Belt
Beginning With A Longer Left Side
Step 1
First, you want to take your taekwondo belt and hold it across the back of your body. In terms of level and location, it should be just under where your belly button would be. The right side of the belt should be about ⅔s of the total length, leaving the left side to be ⅓.
Step 2
Now take the right side in your hand and cross it over to the left. Then wrap the right end (which should be on top) around your body just once. While you do this, make sure to hold onto the shorter left end of it. The belt should be around your waist.
Step 3
Next, check to see if both sides are equal length, as well as being at a 45 degree angle. If they aren’t, then adjust the belt carefully. On top of this, make sure that your belt is still just under your belly button. If it’s lifted further, adjust it back down, and tighten.
Step 4
Now cross the right side over to the left, leaving the left side underneath both the first looping and this cross.
Step 5
Then take the right side of the belt and tuck it under the left side and the existing loop. Carefully pull it out from the other end, and pull it further to tighten the whole thing. Be sure to only tighten it enough to stay on. You don’t want it being too tight and hurting you.
Step 6
Next, check that the right and left sides are still of equal length. If not, adjust them.
Step 7
Finally, cross the left side over the right, and pull the left through. This will make the knot proper, and you’re finished!
Beginning With Equal length Sides
The (easier) other method is to start with the sides at equal lengths.
Step 1
First, take the belt and fold it exactly in half. This will give you the center point, which you can then place just under your belly button. Make sure to keep the sides equal as you do so! If they aren’t, then it isn’t the center.
Step 2
Now wrap the two ends all the way around your body, crossing the left side over the right at the back.
Step 3
Then hold both sides in front of you, checking they’re still equal length.
Step 4
Next, cross the right side over the left. Then tuck the right side under both layers, pulling moderately tight. Then cross the left side over the right.
Step 5
Pull that left side up through the right, going underneath. Pull again – and you’re done!
Final Thoughts
Tying your taekwondo belt correctly is a great way to display your skill.