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Creating the Perfect Calisthenics Home Gym

Writer's picture: King CalisthenicsKing Calisthenics

Updated: Feb 10, 2020

Not a gym-going person? Want to get in great shape but you’re not sure how you can do it without the usual setup of dumbbells and barbell? The answer is a calisthenics home gym.

A man works out in a calisthenics home gym.

Building a calisthenics home gym in the comfort of your house is a cost-effective and convenient option allowing you to get in an intense workout without breaking the bank. Let’s explore the basic pieces of equipment you need to get started.

Calisthenics Home Gym: The Essentials

If you jump online, you’ll find an endless list of recommended stuff to buy. If you’re on a budget or you just want the bare basics, the following pieces of equipment make up the foundation of an effective calisthenics home gym. Buying this gear will ensure you can perform most functional movements.

Pull-Up Bar

A pull-up bar is an adjustable bar that can be placed in your door frame and easily removed. You can also opt for an installed (nuts and bolts) bar, which is great for garage gyms.

Due to its durability and high quality, I’m a fan of the Iron Gym Total Upper Body Workout Bar. When using it, make sure that it’s secured properly. Find a doorframe that is away from potential hazards such as a ceiling fan, water heater, etc.

If you have space and you want something more permanent, I’d recommend the Ultimate Body Press Ceiling Mounted Pull Up Bar. It offers a double-security feature for installation so you can work out with comfort of mind.

Dip Bars

Dip Bars are two adjustable bars that allow for suspension-based and upper body strength exercises. You simply adjust the height of the bars before beginning, place them on a sturdy and level surface, and get to work.

The ProsourceFit Dip Stand Station is a space-saving piece of equipment that is incredibly secure when performing dips or other exercises.

Check out our full review here.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a type of stretchy rubber material that provides external resistance. You can use resistance bands with almost every bodyweight exercise. There are two primary types: handle-based and loop bands.

Be sure to examine older bands to check for small rips. The band needs to be secured with your foot or stable surface (e.g., pillar) before performing an exercise.

LUYATA Resistance Bands are loop bands that offer a handle-based option, so they are ideal for beginners and more experienced lifters.

Jump Rope

A jump rope is a piece of hard plastic or rope that is attached by two plastic or wooden handles. The lighter the jump rope, the faster you can spin it, which is great for double-unders, a popular CrossFit exercise.

If you want to build speed, I recommend the WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope because it comes with a secondary rope and a how-to guide for beginners.

If you want to build strength, use a Pulse weighted jump rope. It lets you adjust the length and it stays tangle-free no matter how quickly you’re moving.

Calisthenics Home Gym: Highly Recommended

If you have the space and the budget, consider purchasing these pieces of calisthenics home gym equipment.

Power Tower

A sturdy metal frame, a power tower allows you to perform pull-ups, dips, and a number of other suspension-based exercises. This also means you don’t need to buy a pull-up bar or dip bars unless you want to work out while traveling.

A great power tower to go with is by Relife since it takes up less space than an entertainment center. Just be sure to give this surprisingly space-efficient power tower a weight test once it’s assembled.

Gymnastics Rings

Gymnastics rings are made from wood, metal, or plastic and they are used for suspension-based exercises. Rings are great for improving grip, wrist, and forearm strength.

Gymnastic rings can be used with the power tower. Or if you’ve installed a pull-up bar, you can place them on here as well. You just need a sturdy and safe elevated bar.

Newcomers to rings should consider using chalk. Don’t forget to spend more time stretching your wrists.

I find that wood tends to last longer and they offer a better grip, which is why I recommend going with a set like TITAN Wooden Gymnastics Rings.

Extras to Consider

If you see your home calisthenics gym as a long-term investment, I’d recommend buying these extras that can improve your workouts and results.

Ab Wheel

A sturdy wheel with two handles, an ab wheel is ideal for core-strengthening exercises. Just be sure to kneel on a comfortable surface and roll the wheel on a flat surface.

Personally, my favorite model is the Perfect Fitness Ab Carver Pro Roller. It glides so smooth and it’s insanely durable. I can’t recommend it enough.

Thick Grips

Thick grips are attachable rubber molds that fit around bars, dumbbells, and barbells. They challenge and strengthen your grip, which will improve overall results.

I’ve long used the Iron Bull Strength Alpha Grips. Simply wrap them around your pull-up bar, power tower bar, or resistance band handles, and perform the exercise as normal.

Keep in mind that the wider the thick grip, the more challenging it is. Buy the smallest one and work your way up.

Weighted Vest

A vest that securely holds additional weight plates to make bodyweight exercises more challenging.

I like using the Aduro Sport Weighted Vest because once you adjust it to your body, the weights move with you, not against you and this will make for a more comfortable workout.

You can also use a dip belt if you have spare weight plates around the house, but this may limit the number of exercises you perform as it’s not as versatile as a weighted vest.

Workout Gloves

Workout gloves are a form of protection for your hands. I’ve used Harbinger workout gloves for all of my Olympic weightlifting workouts and they’ve lasted the longest. Simply find a pair that fits and wear it during your workouts.

If you have sensitive hands, you’ll eventually build up a tolerance to exercise, but gloves can help you ease it into.

How Will You Build Your Calisthenics Home Gym?

Which of the following pieces of exercise equipment will you buy for your calisthenics home gym? Have your own equipment recommendations? Let me know in the comments below!


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